testtest hey batter batterSetup QuestionnaireThank you so much for your purchase! To speed the delivery of your service, please answer the questions you can.Choose Your Services Website Hosting Website Design Website Technical Help Remote Technical Support Other Website HostingQuestions related to website hosting. Domains, email addresses, new site or site transferType of Setup Required New Website Transfer Existing Website Choose "Transfer Existing Website" if you wish us to move your existing blog.Website Domain NamePrimary Domain Name for Website i.e. techsurgeons.comAdditional Domain Names Add any additional domain names you want linked to your website here. i.e. firstlast.com and lastfirst.com May require additional purchase.Email Forwarding This list is for email addresses you'd like forwarded. i.e. contact@<example>.com to name@hotmail.comEmail Accounts This list is for new email accounts you'd like created. i.e. yourname@<example>.comCurrent Web Hosting InfoPlease enter info about existing hosting setup. No passwords please.Website DesignQuestions to get us started on your website's new design.Header ImageAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 1 GB.If you have a header image in mind for your site, upload it here. Depending on your site's theme, we may need to crop the image.Background ImageMax. file size: 1 GB.If you have a background image in mind for your site, upload it here.Δ